Children's Picture Book Featured on Maryland Website

That's Ridiculous, Said Nicholasa children's picture book for ages 3 - 8, has been added to the Maryland State website's Kids Pages under Maryland Authors. Nicholas Jon Paul Martin William Annabelle Tydings is an energetic young daredevil who walks to the beat of his own drum. He wants to be treated like a sensible child, but people often tell him things he knows cannot be true like don't make faces, your face will freeze like that, or you broke this mirror, it will bring seven years of bad luck. Then he always said, “That's ridiculous,” and moved on. With the help of his parents, Nicholas learns to be kind and that he can do anything if he puts his mind to it. This book is about how to handle those kids who are strong-minded and a little outspoken and how we can direct them onto the right path so they will become more focused and productive. Beautifully illustrated.


Cheryl Taragin

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