
On Attitude to Money

While a conflict of interest, be it in life or in fiction, can bring about self-introspection, strange though it may seem, a casual encounter could lead to self-discovery. So it happened with me in the wake of my rebuff to a dogged tempter, “money is not my weakness” and his “what is your weakness” repartee; for the record, either I had been a straight purchase officer or a strict loss assessor, occupations amenable to monetary mischief.

However, the idea of this article is not to gloat over my uprightness but to present the genesis of my attitude to money and the vicissitudes of my life as a subject matter for possible research. But the caveat is that much of my growing up that shaped the same was in the times when the social pulls and the peer pressures, not to speak of the student stress, weren’t, as they have come to become of late, as emotionally unsettling. It was primarily because, as compared to the times now, in the days of yore, life tended to furrow in the tracks of karma siddhanta’s poorva janma sukrutam; the happy circumstances of one’s current life are the outcomes of the previous versions’ noble deeds. Besides keeping envy out of life’s framework for the equanimity of the haves and the have-nots alike, this karmic concept boded well for the collective social conduct buttressed by the individual hope of a bettered future life, never mind the bitter one on hand. But lest the laid back attitude should breed in societal lethargy, the dharmic work culture for a pragmatic life was formulated in v 47, ch2, Bhagvad-Gita: Treatise of Self-help, thus: “Hold as patent on thy work / Reckon thou not on royalty / With no way to ceasing work / Never mind outcome but go on.”

Given my birth in August 1948, so to say, I was conceived under the flying Tiranga and lived the first decade of my life in Kothalanka, a remote village in the picturesque Konaseema of the agrarian Andhra Pradesh. There my paternal grandfather Thimmaiah happened to hold a ten-acre paddy field and a five-acre coconut grove and as was the wont of the landed gentry in that era, he leased out all of that. It was in that rural setting, in those leisurely times, as the eldest of the third generation in a frugal household, that I have had a carefree childhood. But, when I turned ten, my father Peraiah, a remarkable man whom I sketched as A Character of Sorts in Glaring Shadow, my stream of consciousness novel, had shifted base to Amalapuram, a nearby small town, apparently for bettering my education.

And better it did for me. In the first academic year itself, I could make myself eligible for the merit-cum-means scholarship that though I chose to forego offhand and did not think much of it either to inform even my mother Kamakshi about it. But, having come to know of my ‘foolhardy act’ from my class fellows, when my grandfather questioned my strange conduct, I reminded him that it was he who told me that we are well-heeled, and he had no more to say. But, it was much later, and long after he disposed off that family silver and mismanaged its proceeds, that I realized my little eleven-year old rustic head could have instinctively figured out that our then family means made me peremptorily ineligible for the scholarship on that count. However, despite the latter-day material modesty, my attitude to money stayed course with my life and times as my youthful grasp of the ethereal value of woman’s effervescent love made the moolah inconsequential to my being as well as immaterial to my belonging, thereby ensuring that I remained immune to its lures that is notwithstanding the truism in the adage that ‘love is no more than a hackneyed expression unless backed by money’.

It’s thus, Napoleon Bonaparte’s “the surest way to remain poor is to be honest,” has been fine with me, and thankfully, with my spouse Naagamani as well. Nevertheless, the inexplicable period of penury that followed my cold shouldering a one crore bribe made me wonder whether goddess Lakshmi, feeling slighted at long last, thought it fit to punish me, the audacious errant. But, having subjected us to a four-year financial ordeal, as if to validate the Sanatana dharma’s credo, dharmo rakshati rakshita (righteousness protects the righteous persons); the goddess had finally relented by putting our life back on its modest track, so it seemed.

However, as it appears, maybe, Suresh Prabhu of my free ebook in the public domain, Jewel-less Crown: Saga of Life, has unraveled the ramifications of the moolah in its Spirituality of Materialism thus: “It’s the character of money to corrupt the ardent, tease the vacillating and curse the indifferent. That way, there seems to be no escape for man from money. You’re damned if you have it and accursed for the lack of it”. What is more, by way of showing an escape route to his bride Vidya, he cautioned her; “make money the measure and you are in for trouble dear”; it is as if he has alerted all of us to its pitfalls so that we can collectively regulate our monetary heads to make the best use of our life within our mundane means.

My maiden 'Novel' blues

After letting me pen over a score of articles, though my muse prompted me to enter into the arena of fiction, yet it made me struggle to come up with the opening lines of my maiden novel for over ten days or so before “That winter night in the mid-seventies, the Janata Express was racing rhythmically on its tracks towards the coast of Andhra Pradesh. As its headlight pierced the darkness of the fertile plains, the driver honked the horn as though to awake the sleepy environs to the spectacle of the speeding train. On that, in the S-3, were the Ramaiahs with their nine year-old daughter Roopa.”

But then “the train stopped at a village station, as though to disrupt Roopa’s daydreams of modeling herself on the lady doctor at the Christian Medical College Hospital, and as she peeped out, the ill-lit platform seemed to suggest that the chances of her being
Dr. Roopa could be but dim.”

Indeed, as Roopa’s father couldn't help her become a doctor, she marries Sathyam, hoping that he would help her cause, but when he fails her, feeling used by him, she insensibly seeks lesbian solace in her friend Sandhya’s embrace. Later, losing her heart to Raja Rao, Sandhya’s husband, she finds herself in a dilemma of love, even as Sathyam’s friend Prasad woos her to distraction. Unfolding the compelling saga of Roopa’s love and loss, governed by the vicissitudes of life, this 'novel' endeavor nuances man-woman chemistry on one hand, and portrays woman-woman empathy on the other.

When, in an absorbing story, these and other inimitable characters began to come alive in an intricate plot, I could sense that my maiden novel was turning out into a work of art on the Indian literary stage, and so I was desperate to live up to its completion in its poetic prose. Oh, how I feared death then, and what a relief it was as I lived to keep up with the muse to complete 'Benign Flame'!

But what a poetic justice it was that the publishers’ apathy, for my literary foray into an uncharted fictional arena, pushed me into Roopa’s despondent shoes, leg for leg! So to say, to atone for myself, and to earn for her the empathy, at least, of a few discerning readers, I self-published it, in which some have found freshness - “it’s a refreshing surprise to discover that the story will not trace a fall into disaster for Roopa, given that many writers might have habitually followed that course with a wife who strays into extramarital affairs” – for, after all, Raja Rao famously goads the deviant Roopa to love Sathyam too to make him happy.

Who said the novel is dead; 'Benign Flame' raises the bar as vouched for by –

The author has convinced the readers that love is something far beyond the marriage tie and the fulfillment in love can be attained without marriage bondage. The author has achieved a minor revolution without any paraphernalia of revolution in the fourth part of the novel – The Quest, India.

The author makes free use of – not interior monologue as such, but – interior dialogue of the character with the self, almost resembling the dramatic monologue of Browning. Roopa, Sandhya, Raja Rao and Prasad to a considerable extent and Tara and Sathyam to a limited degree indulge in rationalization, trying to analyse their drives and impulses – The Journal of Indian Writing in English.

Overall, Benign Flame is a unique attempt at exploring adult relationships and sexuality in the contemporary middle-class. All the characters come alive with their cravings and failings, their love and their lust. Benign Flame blurs the lines and emphasizes that life is not all black and white - it encompasses the full spectrum of living - Indian Book Chronicle.

Later, after enriching it further, I’ve placed this enchanting novel in the public domain as a free ebook to more acclaim that is even as ‘publishing’ remains the Domain of the Devil, as captured in the eponymous chapter of my second novel, Jewel-less Crown: Saga of Love, also in the public domain   



“More than Your PersonalMind can ever consider, IS Your ALLNaturALL IntuitiveSenses! You're the Decider of YourLife and You Decide What YourLife will Be and What You Want to Learn & RecognISe. Because You have been raised with the MindSetSystems, You See things a certain way according to the MindFrames that have been formulated to indoctrinate You&Everyone Here to Authoritarian Kontrol! You did not Come Here to get a job… You Came Here to WakeUP, and Starting with Your ALLNaturALL IntuitiveSenses. UNaware Authorities have taken over This World and want everyone to stay unconscious of Their TruPotential! It would ‘seem’ that what is taking place here with the BusinessWorld and PoliTiks&Religion and the other CONtrivedSystems, that there is some kind of Life Here, when actually, it is all created&simulated as a ‘strange lifestyle’ and distortion that is Very Obvious to SEEE by Those Who Can! UNaware People Agree to Distortion and ALLAware People SeeeThru Creation and into THE REALLL UNUVERSISSS of ENDLISSS FREEENISSS. Your IntuitiveSenses IS ALLNaturALL with Your RealAwarenisss that is Operating Your FiveBodies for Your WakeUP Experiences when YOU Decide to Recogn’IS’e what is actually taking place with Your SelfCreated PersonalLife on Earth. Sing ‘NU~U~U~U’ & SEEE Your DreamVisions Connect You to Your IntutitiveSeeeing NUOpening with REBISAR RealGuidance Now! Contact: DUANE HEPPNER on Skype&Facebook



“We Need the BEES! BEES IS Our Friends! We are on Earth with What IS ALLNATURALL and what is not. More Attention IS Needed to SEEE What IS Happening Here. Everyone can SAVE THE BEES & SAVE THE ENVIRONATURE. REALLL UNUVERSALLL GUIDES IS ALLWays Helping unaware people to WakeUP to SeeeMore and contribute to WHAT IS ALLNATURALL. ‘BEE LIKE THE BEES’ as they live&bee side-by-side with each other to preserve&replenish how they Survive Here. The BEES Help Everything&Everyone! Contact: DUANE HEPPNER on Skype&Facebook


“No matter What You IS Doing on This Planet Earth, Your ‘IntuitiveSenses’ Can Take Part to Help You SeeeBettter Beyond What Your Mind Can Ever Know! Who Will Do This? Who Will StepUP with Their InSightfullSharing & Help Save This World that is Purposely Poisoned? Who Wants a RealPurpose for BEing Here and to WakeUP ALL The Way? ThereIS FarMore to what is in Creation than can be seen with the PersonalSelf ‘eyes’ only. EveryOne of US has ‘IntuitiveSeeeing’ with What IS Your DreamVisionOpening, Your NUOpening to a BettterWay to BE&LIVE! Your PersonalMind is always available, and Now You Know ThereIS Morrre! You, The ReaU, Knows This ALLReady, even though the ‘created You’ has been raised differently in This OneDimensional Consciousness. ALLLIFEIS AWARENISSS, THE REALU, YOUR REALAWARENISSS! Creation is a ‘place’ we practice in with a ‘role’ we play with, until WE ‘IS’ AWARE Enough to SeeeBeyond ALL of Restricting Creation into THE REALLL UNUVERSISSS OF ENDLISSS FREEENISSS! RealGuidance with REBISAR & THE REALLL UNVERSALLL GUIDES IS ALLWAYS AVAILABLE NOW! Your indoctrinated LiteralizedMind cannot comprehend anything more than itself nor understand this yet, and Your RealAwarenisss will learn this first and it can and wants to! The FiveBodies Your RealAwarenisss Operates correspond to YourFaculties, and Your FifthBody IS Your IntuitiveSenses, as this is still in Creation. With Your IntuitiveSenses, You will Gain InsightfullSeeeing to where YOU&REALU Connect and You start to Recogn’IS’e The RealU, Your RealAwarenisss! To OpenUP Your DreamVision InSightfullSeeeing… SING ‘NU~U~U~U’ for about 10 minutes or so before sleeping and ASK TO BE SHOWN MORRRE THAN YOU KNOW! Contact: DUANE HEPPNER on Skype&Facebook


“ThereIS ALLWays More to whatever is ‘labeled’ according to how unaware people have been raised, indoctrinated & programmed according to the MadeUp StandardizedSystems. The FocusCategory here is AUTISM. A RealExplanation is Very Difficult for Literalized People to Grasp, as they usually only See OneDimensionally and Not ‘MultiDimensionally’ which entails INTUITIVE SEEEING with Their IntuitiveSenses. When just the ‘physical’ part of a person is Seen and nothing else, then The RealBEing is many times Not Seeen or simply ‘labeled’ as something. WE IS Each Very Precious to BE~AWARE of What IS ReALLL with ALLLIfe. What IS BEing Presented Here cannot be found just anywhere, as ‘IT IS Far Too Real’ for educationalized people, who only know the languages of This World. Children&People as ‘labeled’ Autism are providing an IntuitiveOpening for those who Can SEEE IT! ALLLIFEIS AWARENISSS, YOUR REALAWARENISSS, THE REALU. UNaware People have willingly subjected themselves to the ‘invented’ Restrictions of the CertainFew who Kontrol The WorldStage as it has been setup. UNaware People like to ‘parade’ Their Restrictions as though they are something special, and they also like to get others to Agree to Their Restrictions, so as to ‘feel emotionally better’ in Their Own SelfCreated Restrictions. We each go thru this, and for many, many unaware lifetimes, until The RealOpportunity ShowsUP to Help US Get Thru ALL the UNecessary Restrictions we have created. Creation is nothing more than Cause&Effect Agitation to Gradually WakeUS UP from This PassingDream that we have been ‘told&think’ is what ALLLifeIS, and this is Not So! The CertainFew have CONvinced unaware people into Agreeing with the BusinessWorld of ‘chasing something’ that can never be had. This includes ALL the ‘systems’ that have been invented by the Most UNaware & the Most Afraid! This is ‘who’ unaware bow&kneel to, pray&beg to, strive to be better for, and build their ‘careers’ into. All this is fine, if You want to stay in Cause&Effect Reincarnation KarmaCreation for More UNaware Lifetimes! This IS just a FewVUs to consider and ThereIS Many More! This IS For RiskTakers Only to SeeeMorrre Than Ever Before! SING ‘NU~U~U~U’ before going to Sleep and RealGuidance will ShowUP! Contact: DUANE HEEPNER on Skype&Facebook for NUSessions to Start Your NUJourney to a REALLL ENDLISSS FREEENISSS with NO AUTHORITIES EVER NEEDED!


There many people who are into a Healthy Diet, and even more Doctors are coming forward from the ‘standardized’ Medical Professions and finding out that WHAT IS ALLNATURALL Far Surpasses the synthetically made pharmaceuticals! Anything ALLNATURALL always proves itself right on, whereas, anything artificial eventually shows up as insufficient and even Overall Detrimental to People’s Health. It is still Very Unfortunate that there are many manufacturers that use artificial&synthetic ingredients in their products that are harmful. Overall, the general public is unaware of what actually takes place with the production&ingredients of What is Purchased at the Grocery Stores. Fortunately, for those people who are truly sincere, There IS a Very Simple Way to Find Out What IS Best for ThemSelves when it comes to Diet and anything else, as they Learn to Explore&Discover Their INTUITIVE SENSES! This is nothing new, as each person has Their Own Access to Their IntuitiveSenses all the time. The easiest way is at night, while a person’s PhysicalBody Sleeps. The idea IS to SetUp a RealConnection with Your DreamVision IntuitiveOpening by Singing The ALLNaturALL Sound of “NU~U~U~U” repeatedly for about ten minutes, then Focus on what the interest IS, and then let go and go to sleep. Keep a pen or pencil with paper by Your bedside to write out any RealSide Experiences You will have! Singing ‘NU~U~U~U’ will work for anything with a Person’s Entire Life! For More Information Contact: DUANE HEPPNER on Skype&Facebook. Also, for More NUAdventures Watch ‘Kevin Smith’s Videos’ on YouTube and Other Social Medias!


“With the International Secret Service SuperVision since 18 years old, DUANE has had a Lifetime of RealExperiences with UFOs, Unidentified Flying Objects, to IFOs, Identified Familiar Observances, along with the Other BodyTypes known as Aliens, and also PlanetaryTravel. The SurfaceWorld People have been purposely kept from knowing what is actually taking place on This Planet Earth, and also in This PhysicalRealm. UNaware People don't Real’IS’e how they have been MindFramed & Programmed with the invented KontrolSystems to Agree with Distraction&Deception and to chase ‘ideas’ into FutureLifetimes! This is a HUmanFarming Planet Kontrolled by Alien TapLining ShapeShifters! The unaware people on This Planet have been Unconsciously Led into a Huge Poisoned StressFactor of Submission by Other EarthPeople and from AlienKontrollers and Their MindKontrol Technologies! The so-called ‘fossil fuels’ and WiFi, HAARP, ChemTrails, FluoridatedWater, and So Much More, have been purposely planned to Keep Everyone UNaware of WHAT ALLLIFEIS! Creation is Not ALLLIFE, as it is an ‘itty bitty’ fragment that Appears to Be Something it is Not! DUANE THE GREAT WRITER SEEER ‘IS’ a MultiDimensionalSeeer in Cause&Effect Creation and into THE REALLL UNUVERSISSS of ENDLISSS FREEENISSS Beyond ALL the Restrictions of KarmicCreation where ALLLISSS with NO Authorities Ever! The ReALLLanguage ALLLifeIS is Not Literal, as IT IS SEEEING&BEING. UNaware People have Not Been Taught They are Operating FiveBodes throughout MultiDimensionalCreation, and that Their DreamVisions IntuitiveSenses Opening IS Very Vital to Surviving Creation, until a ReALL~WakeUP can take place with RealGuidance. Sing ‘NU~U~U~U’ for about 10 minutes before sleeping and Learn to SEEE What Happens in Your MultiDimensionALL RealSide Experiences! You ALLReady Have ALL The Answers! Contact: DUANE HEPPNER on Skype&Facbook to SetUp Your ‘IntuitiveSession’ Now!



“No matter What You IS Doing on This Planet Earth, Your ‘IntuitiveSenses’ Can Take Part to Help You SeeeBettter Beyond What Your Mind Can Ever Know! Who Will Do This? Who Will StepUP with Their InSightfullSharing & Help Save This World that is Purposely Poisoned? Who Wants a RealPurpose for BEing Here and to WakeUP ALL The Way? ThereIS FarMore to what is in Creation than can be seen with the PersonalSelf ‘eyes’ only. EveryOne of US has ‘IntuitiveSeeeing’ with What IS Your DreamVisionOpening, Your NUOpening to a BettterWay to BE&LIVE! Your PersonalMind is always available, and Now You Know ThereIS Morrre! You, The ReaU, Knows This ALLReady, even though the ‘created You’ has been raised differently in This OneDimensional Consciousness. ALLLIFEIS AWARENISSS, THE REALU, YOUR REALAWARENISSS! Creation is a ‘place’ we practice in with a ‘role’ we play with, until WE ‘IS’ AWARE Enough to SeeeBeyond ALL of Restricting Creation into THE REALLL UNUVERSISSS OF ENDLISSS FREEENISSS! RealGuidance with REBISAR & THE REALLL UNVERSALLL GUIDES IS ALLWAYS AVAILABLE NOW! Your indoctrinated LiteralizedMind cannot comprehend anything more than itself nor understand this yet, and Your RealAwarenisss will learn this first and it can and wants to! The FiveBodies Your RealAwarenisss Operates correspond to YourFaculties, and Your FifthBody IS Your IntuitiveSenses, as this is still in Creation. With Your IntuitiveSenses, You will Gain InsightfullSeeeing to where YOU&REALU Connect and You start to Recogn’IS’e The RealU, Your RealAwarenisss! To OpenUP Your DreamVision InSightfullSeeeing… SING ‘NU~U~U~U’ for about 10 minutes or so before sleeping and ASK TO BE SHOWN MORRRE THAN YOU KNOW! Contact: DUANE HEPPNER on Skype&Facebook

The Life of Plants in a Changing Environment by Rishikesh Upadhyay

Non-heritable modifications in morphological, physiological or biochemical characteristics tend to reduce or decrease growth and productivity, and sometimes lead to death. The Life of Plants in a Changing Environment presents an exhaustive overview of the specific effects and modifications that could occur in this regards, and will serve to consolidate the ideas to promote standardization of plant adaptation to these changes in the environment.

This book is, rather, a comprehensive review of all aspects of the responses of plants to changes in the environment.

The book is available online at

Happy reading!

Stress in Plants: The Hidden Half by Rishikesh Upadhyay

The threat to productivity in crops and agriculture due to these stresses cannot be overstated, nor overlooked, especially in light of climate change.

The information covered in this book will be helpful in building strategies to counter the impact of stress on plants. The book also provides an overview of the essential disciplines required for sustainable crop and agricultural production for policymakers, scientists, academics, and students of plant science, agricultural science, environmental science, biochemistry, biotechnology, and related areas.

Read more at -

Why a man should read books

Книгите са стълбът на знанието. Едно от предимствата на четенето е, че можете да четете по всяко време и навсякъде, дори ако имате ограничен брой източници. Причините да четете книги съдържат социални и индивидуални ползи, като и двете оказват влияние върху вашия вътрешен или външен свят. Така че, за да стесните това, което чувстваме необходимост да прочетем по отношение на знанието, опитайте се да отговорите на този въпрос: Какво знаете за себе си? Самото четене е инвестиция в знания. Разбира се, така или иначе трябва да асимилираш прочетеното. Можете да пропуснете грешки, които вече са били направени преди вас. Нека не забравяме, че книгите са хранилище на информация. По този начин можем да се доближим по-бързо до мечтите си. Първото правило за успех е да инвестирате в знания или правилната информация така или иначе. Това не е само мое мнение. Много хора са доказали през годините, че това е начинът за прогрес на човечеството. Колкото по-богат на знания става човек, толкова по-малко желае материалното богатство. . Но със знания винаги можете да се справите с всяка ситуация по всяко време. Затова книгата е може би най-добрият приятел и помощник на човек.

👉Автор Сезгин Исмаилов

Quotes from my third book. 'The heir of the dynasty'

I hope it will be on the market by the end of April 2024. I took the liberty of posting long quotations. Certainly, some readers may, after reading this book, accuse me of being against poor people. Nothing of the kind. They can take lessons from her.

1. Only they could not control their own children and the weather

2. Confidence in oneself wins, and trust in others

3. Okay, let's say I'm having a bad day. You are over the moon with happiness. I come and ruin your day, how will you feel.

4. I don't know, I'm looking for someone who will like me, soul and heart not only physically

5. We respected each other so much that we were afraid to share our feelings in case it didn't work out.

6. I have no idea how rich you are. But that's enough, to waste your time with me a poor student, do you really like me that much.-

7. You may have lied to me up to this point, but from now on, just don't do it. I will feel you and you will lose me.

8. It is one thing to know that you will have a test today and to have prepared, it is another thing to rely on someone to give you advice.

9. As much as a person thinks about something, the events themselves cause them to happen. Even easier than we imagine.

10. Bad thoughts only complicate our lives.

11. We have to let some things happen by themselves.

12. You have one life and it is yours. Only you can determine and choose how it goes. The most important thing is that you like it

13. Imagination is a corridor to the new

14. The most important thing is to think about the task itself. She enlightens us sometimes. But the important thing is not to give up and to be persistent

15. When you feel tired, stop and collect energy from nature

16. I guess you have a rich soul, at least I think so. We are thus trained to communicate only with people who have rich souls and they are rich in every way

17. The poor man just finds an excuse for me by blaming the rich man for all the troubles of the earth.

18. The poor always discuss the neighbor or someone else which is a waste of time, the rich think about how to produce a product that will be recognized by more people.

19.-Okay, what do you think about money? Mary asked

-Measure of value, to measure a given work or value of a product or service. People use it to make things easier when one thing is exchanged and it changes according to supply and demand

20.-He who controls money does not need to be afraid of it. But he who cannot control them always falls short. No matter how many he has, he still won't be able to handle them. That is why there are poor and rich. The difference is in money management.

21. The least starts with investing knowledge. Almost every town has a library. He has to prepare and find a way to invest.

22. The ordinary person has no idea that the little money that he keeps in the bank works for the business. His pension money is also in stocks and government securities. With the money he collects to buy a property over the years, inflation melts it away

23. My conclusion is that when you have something, you don't pay attention to it. If you don't have it, you strive for it.

24. Now with the new technologies, many people have the opportunity to get the necessary information. But they spend their time for the simplest possible entertainment, but not to become literate. 25. You can write something simple in an hour, and it goes around the world like lightning as if it is something great, but if it is something meaningful, they don't even pay attention to it

26. The way of life is very complicated, but if we harness our energy into something we believe in and like, it will seem wonderful.

27. People do not openly like to be helped. In today's world, this is even more true. Go to someone who needs help, give him a hand, and in a year he will make you the blackest devil. Therefore, for the last three hundred years, our kind has worked by indirectly helping.

28. If you know the formula, every task is easy

29. Sometimes we are so consumed by our goals that we forget or neglect our loved ones. I realized this was a mistake. With good will, one can find time for everything. I can't go back in time and fix my mistakes. I am only asking you to forgive me. I love you very much, Nesia said and hugged her daughter tightly.

30. Many of the people we call great have obviously sacrificed a lot but left something significant behind. But no one thinks about the people who were by their side and supported him and I'm sure that they sacrificed more.

31. It is not a question of tearing the sock and then sewing it up. Yes, he does work, but he always steps on the stitched me and we feel it. The best solution is conversations

32. I don't want to offend you, but regardless of my age, I have enough knowledge to solve any complex issue without consultants. I am not afraid of anything or anyone. I don't need anything. Everyone here has duties and fulfills them. I don't care about business. There are people who care about him.

33. We can't take back the past no matter how much we want, but we can reward the future as we wish

Author  Sezgin Ismailov

People should not look at money as wealth

Няколко цитата от втората ми книга. Това е историческа измислица. За мечтите на един принц. Но не се различава от днешния начин на живот. Тя може да помогне с уроците и действията на Макс, за да сбъдне мечтите на много хора.

1. Всяко действие е стъпка към постигане на целта.

2. Точната информация намалява разстоянието и времето, необходими за достигане на целта.

3. Ако имате подкрепата на опонента си, ще се сблъскате с по-малко пречки при постигането на целта си.

4. Колкото повече помагате, толкова повече удовлетворение ще изпитвате.

5. Да искаш нещо е различно от това да полагаш усилия да го получиш.

6. Една мечта вдъхва амбиция и мотивация в човека.

7. Истинското богатство не е просто да притежаваш торба със злато, а по-скоро е отражение на това, което си постигнал.

8. Имаме ли знанието и вярата, че ще успеем в начинанието си?

9. Ако не е имал добро възпитание, как би могъл да знае за знанието, което предлага неограничени възможности на всеки индивид?

10. Имам знанието и увереността, че мога да постигна всичко, което искам.

11. Въпросът не е дали ще го направя, а как може да бъде направено по най-етичния начин в полза на всички, без да причинява вреда на другите.

12. Грешките и от двете страни са по-лесни за идентифициране. Надявам се, че ще ми кажете. Благодаря ти.

13. Инстинктите често са правилният избор.

14. Той е много самоуверен и уверен. Той си е поставил цел и остава фокусиран върху нея.

15. Вярваме в това да ценим хората и че хората ни ценят.

16. Целта ми беше да се докажа със способностите си и да спечеля уважението на другите.

17. Предварителната критика може да помогне да се идентифицират потенциалните пречки.

18. Формулата за успех може да се разглежда от много гледни точки.

19. Всеки детайл играе роля за постигането на мечтите.

20. Когато си амбициозен, не губиш време. Като не губите време, вие правите нещо, което ви доближава до целта ви.

21. За да постигнете целта си, е важно да изберете най-прекия и етичен път. Целта е да проправите пътя, който другите да следват.

22. Всичко обаче си има цена и време за реализация и човек трябва да се бори за това.

23. Вярно е, че емоциите могат да причинят най-големите рани, но зависи от това как мислят хората.

24. Ако наистина вярвате в нещо, можете да убедите и другите да повярват в него.

25. По време на моето образование и възпитание разбрах, че богатството е присъщо на самата природа. Всичко, което ни заобикаля, всичко, което ни помага да живеем, е форма на богатство.

26. Най-малкото имаме задължението да се опитваме да помагаме на другите.

27. Да, в много кралства има религиозност. Всеки един от тях вика и вика, твърдейки, че техният път е единственият път към Господа. Всяка група, подхранвана от собствените си вярвания, е склонна да унищожи другата поради тяхното ограничено мислене.

28. Научих от моите учители, че има три неща, които могат да обединят дори врагове: злато, вяра и страх.

30. Добрата кауза също има силата да обединява хората.

31. Поставете желанията си пред себе си и се борете за тях.

32. Съветите на възрастните винаги могат да бъдат полезни.

33. Всяко действие, което предприемем, ще окаже влияние върху нашето бъдеще.

34. Във всяка ситуация трябва да извлечем това, което е полезно за нас.

35. Подкрепата на един човек може да сбъдне мечтата на друг човек.

36. Понякога имаме задължения, които трябва да изпълним независимо от настроението си.

37. Обмислените действия съкращават пътя към целта.

38. Добрата организация и правилните хора правят постигането на целта възможно.

39. Мисленето им е, че трябва да помагат на другите, защото някой ден те също може да имат нужда от помощ.

40. Единствената причина, поради която човек винаги намира недоволство в друг, е поради собствената му слабост.

41. Да имаш контрол над другите е сила, но да имаш контрол над себе си е истинско господство.

42. Разбирам човек, когато изгуби контрол и страхът го завладее.

43. Пречките в живота са тест за това колко наистина искаме да постигнем целите си.

44. Всяко съмнение създава още повече бариери и пречки в живота.

45. Всичко има своето предназначение и търси своето място под небето.

46. ​​Човешкият живот може да изглежда кратък, но ако не си губим времето, можем да постигнем чудеса през този период.

47. Всеки полезен съвет е важен в начина ни на живот.

48. Трябва да си представим събития в бъдещето или да ги направим така, както трябва.

49. Ако загубиш доверие, губиш контрол над всичко.

50. Властта е най-желаното нещо на света, дори повече от парите или щастието. Това е така, защото всеки вярва, че властта те прави недосегаем. Това обаче е и най-трудното нещо за задържане.

51. Никога не трябва да се съмнявате в себе си. Ако сте уверени в себе си, винаги ще успеете. Превърнете всяко неудобство в предимство.

52. Мъжете са силни само с подкрепата на жена

53. Трудните проблеми винаги имат отговори и решения.

54. Хората не трябва да гледат на парите като на богатство, а по-скоро като на средство да увеличат богатството си и да подобрят качеството си на живот.

55. След като човек покори един връх, не трябва да се отказва от покоряването на други.

56. Хората често се страхуват от провал и затова рядко преследват неща, които са им от полза или изпълняват мечтите им.

57. Съмнението е най-опасният съветник.

58. Богатството обхваща всичко, което ни е дал създателят и всичко, което ни заобикаля.

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Автор Сезгин Исмаилов

A small book with a lot of useful information

Knowledge is wealth: This is because knowledge is something that you can never lose or have taken away from you. It is an asset that will always be valuable and can be used to generate more wealth. Knowledge is power: This is because knowledge gives you the ability to make better decisions, understand complex situations, and ultimately have more control over your life. Knowledge is the future: This is because knowledge is the key to success in the ever-changing world. Those who have the most knowledge will be the ones who can adapt and thrive in the future.If you are interested in a book that can help you a lot, this is it. 👉 Manners in the great kingdom .

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The Wealth of the Great Kingdom is a remarkable and unique book

The Wealth of the Great Kingdom is a remarkable and unique book that imparts profound wisdom and philosophical truths about life. Within the enchanting setting of a fantasy kingdom under the rule of a benevolent and visionary king, readers are taken on an extraordinary journey. The protagonist, Prince Max, embarks on a captivating quest to explore neighboring realms and unravel the secrets of a successful state. In his quest, he establishes schools catering to individuals of diverse social backgrounds and recruits capable teachers to empower the kingdom’s citizens. Prince Max’s noble ambition is to create a flourishing society where educated individuals can contribute to their country’s growth based on their unique skills and talents. Along this inspiring journey, he encounters the enchanting Mary, and their blossoming relationship adds a captivating layer of romance to the narrative. Will Prince Maxvid readers interested in politics and statecraft, this book offers a wealth of thought-provoking insights. Its exploration of the fundamental elements that contribute to a prosperous and harmonious kingdom is truly captivating. The focus on education and the country’s orderly nature presents an alluring contrast to the contemporary Western democratic landscape. Moreover, the narrative possesses an enchanting fairy tale quality that will surely delight fantasy enthusiasts. It is worth mentioning that while the characters play a significant role in exploring profound philosophical concepts, a deeper level of development would have further enhanced their relatability. At times, they felt somewhat constrained and solely used as vehicles for philosophical ideas. The writing style bears a distinctive flair, and the vivid descriptions of the environment and architectural wonders within the kingdom allowed me to immerse myself in the story.

The Wealth of the Great Kingdom can be embraced as an uplifting guide for cultivating moral thoughts and actions that ultimately lead to personal success. Sezgin beautifully demonstrates that true wealth and power are not prerequisites for achieving one’s goals; rather, authentic happiness stems from embracing moral values to succeed in achieving his ambitions while simultaneously embracing true love?

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