“No matter What You IS Doing on This Planet Earth, Your ‘IntuitiveSenses’ Can Take Part to Help You SeeeBettter Beyond What Your Mind Can Ever Know! Who Will Do This? Who Will StepUP with Their InSightfullSharing & Help Save This World that is Purposely Poisoned? Who Wants a RealPurpose for BEing Here and to WakeUP ALL The Way? ThereIS FarMore to what is in Creation than can be seen with the PersonalSelf ‘eyes’ only. EveryOne of US has ‘IntuitiveSeeeing’ with What IS Your DreamVisionOpening, Your NUOpening to a BettterWay to BE&LIVE! Your PersonalMind is always available, and Now You Know ThereIS Morrre! You, The ReaU, Knows This ALLReady, even though the ‘created You’ has been raised differently in This OneDimensional Consciousness. ALLLIFEIS AWARENISSS, THE REALU, YOUR REALAWARENISSS! Creation is a ‘place’ we practice in with a ‘role’ we play with, until WE ‘IS’ AWARE Enough to SeeeBeyond ALL of Restricting Creation into THE REALLL UNUVERSISSS OF ENDLISSS FREEENISSS! RealGuidance with REBISAR & THE REALLL UNVERSALLL GUIDES IS ALLWAYS AVAILABLE NOW! Your indoctrinated LiteralizedMind cannot comprehend anything more than itself nor understand this yet, and Your RealAwarenisss will learn this first and it can and wants to! The FiveBodies Your RealAwarenisss Operates correspond to YourFaculties, and Your FifthBody IS Your IntuitiveSenses, as this is still in Creation. With Your IntuitiveSenses, You will Gain InsightfullSeeeing to where YOU&REALU Connect and You start to Recogn’IS’e The RealU, Your RealAwarenisss! To OpenUP Your DreamVision InSightfullSeeeing… SING ‘NU~U~U~U’ for about 10 minutes or so before sleeping and ASK TO BE SHOWN MORRRE THAN YOU KNOW! Contact: DUANE HEPPNER on Skype&Facebook www.duanethegreatwriter.net