“More than Your PersonalMind can ever consider, IS Your ALLNaturALL IntuitiveSenses! You're the Decider of YourLife and You Decide What YourLife will Be and What You Want to Learn & RecognISe. Because You have been raised with the MindSetSystems, You See things a certain way according to the MindFrames that have been formulated to indoctrinate You&Everyone Here to Authoritarian Kontrol! You did not Come Here to get a job… You Came Here to WakeUP, and Starting with Your ALLNaturALL IntuitiveSenses. UNaware Authorities have taken over This World and want everyone to stay unconscious of Their TruPotential! It would ‘seem’ that what is taking place here with the BusinessWorld and PoliTiks&Religion and the other CONtrivedSystems, that there is some kind of Life Here, when actually, it is all created&simulated as a ‘strange lifestyle’ and distortion that is Very Obvious to SEEE by Those Who Can! UNaware People Agree to Distortion and ALLAware People SeeeThru Creation and into THE REALLL UNUVERSISSS of ENDLISSS FREEENISSS. Your IntuitiveSenses IS ALLNaturALL with Your RealAwarenisss that is Operating Your FiveBodies for Your WakeUP Experiences when YOU Decide to Recogn’IS’e what is actually taking place with Your SelfCreated PersonalLife on Earth. Sing ‘NU~U~U~U’ & SEEE Your DreamVisions Connect You to Your IntutitiveSeeeing NUOpening with REBISAR RealGuidance Now! Contact: DUANE HEPPNER on Skype&Facebook www.duanethegreatwriter.net