Artist Interview - Karl-Heinz Stach

What’s your background?

I am a interior designer. You have to have a lot of imagination in this profession. I only put these pictures that I have in my head. Whether with a ballpoint pen, pencil, gouache, oil ..... I decide depending on what I have in my head. If pictures or drawings are not enough, I also make sculpture made of wood or metal.

Where do you find inspiration for your art?

From Books, on the Internet, on trips......and process everything inyour head.

When is your favorite time of day to create, and why?

This is different depending on when the picture in my head becomesmore real. That can be at night but mainly in the morning or very early in the morning.

Tell me about your favorite medium.

That depends on the picture in my head. This can be soft pastels but also gouache or other.

Where do you find inspiration?

II find inspiration in a dream, reading, traveling, in the garden, during a car ride, talking, watching humans and animals, with friends, with my children and through my wife.

What motivates you to create?

To see the picture from my head in front of my eyes.

Does art help you in other areas of your life?

In difficult situations, my art helps me to get my head free again.

How do you develop your art skills?

Look at pictures by other artistsand make them until the picture (object)is the way you imagine it.

Are you formally trained as an artist or self-taught?

The study of Interiordesign also develops artistic expression and skills.

What are your most valued skills as an artist?

The imagination and its implementation.

Karl-Heinz Stach

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