Artist Interview - Olivia Pinney

What’s your background?

I am a native New Englander whose familial roots go back to Massachusetts, Haiti, The US Virgin Islands and Nevus. As an African American and Afrolatina, I have created work on the blank page as creative writing and poetry and on the blank canvas, pad or sketchbook as drawings, mixed media, digital, illustration and traditional paintings.

Where do you find inspiration for your art?

Music, life, experiences, observations and popular culture inspire me. As an artist, other artists inspire me to aspire to greater heights with my discipline and professional development.

When is your favorite time of day to create, and why?

Night time after seven, sounds cliche, but it is often when I create especially after a day of work and/or University schedules. When I have time off, day time creativity beckons me as well.

Tell me about your favorite medium.

Traditional and illustrative arts are my favorite media. However, an artist's tastes and palettes can change or become ever stronger the more time and energy is expended upon within a particular medium.

Where do you find inspiration?

Dystopian fiction and mythology inspire me as well as conceptual themes and people's stories.

What motivates you to create?

Creating is freedom. Freedom is motivation.

How do you define success as an artist?

Success is subjective. It depends upon one's current drive and goals. Building audiences is one way to ascertain success because those audiences are in a position to support you or your work.

Does art help you in other areas of your life?

Absolutely! Art helps me to process my thoughts and ideas and make sense of the world we live in if there is any sense to be made.

How do you develop your art skills?

Art is a discipline which requires practice, determination, time, dedication, resources, energy and hard work.

Are you formally trained as an artist or self-taught?

I would consider myself to be both self-taught and formally trained throughout my experiences in my creative journey.

How has your education helped you in your career?

It is important to train among peers and educators. I have increased my knowledge, skill sets and abilities through exposure, critique, peer review and my fine arts and studio arts training.

What are your most valued skills as an artist?

I cannot say that any of my artistic skills are undervalued, but combining my illustration and storytelling passion has led to my most diverse and profound works of art.

What was your first experience working as a professional artist?

Being creative while doing pandemic life was reinforced with this collaborative work we achieved. #pb flip-book time capsule 3 years together during COVID-19. By author Freeman Ng & 14 illustrators: @schwab.alicia, @leigh.vivian221, Olivia Pinney, Annie Kuhn, Rebecca Hoenig, @brigitte.west, _cherylannillustrator, @eshanthiedraws, @gabyyvega_, @haley.s.grunloh, @jesschrysler, @drawingsjuli, @rubywenttospace, @sara.nintzel, and @redbean.carp >>BUY >>BUY

Tell me how you have developed your art career so far.

I am still an artist in training so the more exposure, opportunities and resources I can use toward my craft, is the more developed as a career artist I can be.

How do you price your work?

I price my work based on the time and media that was expended upon to create that work. Otherwise, commissions will vary in detail and price structure.

Olivia Pinney

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