Author Interview - Reuben Shupp

What is your writing process like?

Considering that I work two jobs, I have to do writing sprints when I have time. With that said, I write my story by hand and then type it out.

How do you come up with ideas for stories and characters?

While I was reading "Monster Blood" by R.l. Stine, I thought to myself, "What about vampires?" This was how "Vampire Juice?" was born. Many of the characters are based on people from my childhood. Do not tell anyone! But Amanda is actually my wife.

How do you process and deal with negative book reviews?

Not everyone is going to love my book. This is part of the process. I used to dwell on negative reviews. Now I look forward. Always forward.

What is the most challenging part of your writing process?

The most difficult part of writing is the editing. Not only am I looking for grammar issues, I have to find plot holes in the story and fix them. In Vampire Juice, I must have changed the beginning three times.

How long have you been writing, or when did you start?

I began writing in 2020. It started out as a memoir for my children. Then I turned some of the memoirs into short stories. The rest is history.

What advice would you give writers working on their first book?

There is a lot of writing advice out there. You have to figure out what resonates with you. For me, I write the way I hear it in my head. I visualize telling a story to my buddies.

How do you develop your plot and characters?

I really have no clue. I draw a short picture sketch with a few sentences for each scene. By the time I had finished writing my rough draft, the scenes had changed several times. And the characters began telling me where to put the plot twists.

How many books have you written, and which is your favorite?

I have written three books and "Vampire Juice" is my favorite. This book has so much going on: horror, mystery, adventure, a splash of romance. It started out as a short story. Then it became a novelette. The final version of "Vampire Juice" is a novella.

What inspired the idea for your book?

The inspiration for "Vampire Juice" was after I read "Monster Blood." I thought to myself, "What about vampires?" Literally every book I have written so far has had vampires and spiders. I think I am obsessed. So far, my work in progress does not have vampires. But it does have a spider.

What do you need in your writing space to help you stay focused?

Sadly, I do not have a writing space. Most of my writing is done in sprints. Recently, I also discovered that I can do voice to text. Now I can write my second draft while talking. This will have two benefits. First, it will make the writing faster. Second, I can hear the story.

If you could spend a day with another popular author, whom would you choose?

R.L. Stine. I would love to just sit back and talk to him.

Reuben Shupp

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