Author Interview - Brenda E Mcdaniel

What is your writing process like?

My writing process, first involves deciding on what to write about? And, what the main theme or purpose of the story is all about? Then I decide about the full plot. Sometimes, I write things down, like the outline. But, most of the time, I just keep things in my mind. I am bothered or continually thinking. And going over the story details in my mind. Until, I get it all down on paper or computer. I am obsessed with the story. Until it's completion or typed or written down on paper.

How do you come up with ideas for stories and characters?

I usually use my life or family life to come up with ideas or characters. As, I have written a Memoir. And another book on publishing, writing, marketing and advertising. Even, my three children's books are based somewhat on childhood adventures. I've started writing fiction books, based partly on my experience, too. Stories or books, about things you know, and from our hearts. I find these are usually the best books to write.

How do you process and deal with negative book reviews?

At, first I was hurt and a bit angry about negative reviews. It, hurt my pride, as a beginner writer. But, I finally learned, that not everyone will like your writing. And, some will always find something they don't like. I also learned some reviews are helpful. And I see what needs to be changed or improved on. And accept the review as very helpful.

How long have you been writing, or when did you start?

I've been writing now for about four years. My first book, the Memoir about my parents and family came out in 2019. I was so proud of it. As, I felt drawn to write it, by my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To tell of his blessings and miracles during my families lives. I am also now a freelance writer for the digital Christian magazine called Faith on Every Corner. I've been writing for them almost three years.

What inspired the idea for your book?

As, I stated earlier, the Lord kept asking me to write. I felt blessed by him and my loving parents. I felt drawn to write about my mom, ( my Angel), and my dad, (my Hero). She was a caring Nurse for years and dad was a WWII Navy veteran. And he suffered from mental illness after the war. I wanted to tell of the Lord's many miracles and blessings throughout my lifetime. The second book was about my author journey. I wanted to help other writers, to not make the same mistakes I made. And, help them in publishing, writing, marketing and advertising their books, too!

Brenda E Mcdaniel

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