Author Interview - Ali Ashhar

What is your writing process like?

It’s mostly based on my analysis of life and its experiences. I believe anything in the universe: be it living or non living can be your teacher if you have the vision to go deep and learn from it curiously. Apart from that, I read classic authors to get some inspiration.

How long have you been writing, or when did you start?

I have been into writing since four years.

What advice would you give writers working on their first book?

To have a clear vision, strong faith and focussed aim in life. I believe you should always try to define yourself with your work! Writing has always given my thoughts a patron. Art is something you can utilize to create a difference in and around yourself!

How many books have you written, and which is your favorite?

'Mirror of Emotions' is my debut poetry collection and I am currently working on my second book. As of now, I know your debut book is always special for you as it makes you step into an all new literary adventure.

What inspired the idea for your book?

I feel if you have got the knack of putting emotions, experiences and situations into words, then you should utilize your art to inspire and motivate; the world needs more of positivity!

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