Author Interview - A. S. Khale

What is your writing process like?

My writing process can be likened to that of a cat, and my mom often jokes about it. In many ways, I'm quite disciplined, much like a cat who carefully grooms itself and follows a routine. However, there's a bit of chaos that creeps in as well, just like how a cat can unpredictably dart around the house. What's interesting is that I have this duality, just like a cat. On one hand, I can be incredibly disciplined, focused, and patient when I'm deep into my writing, much like a cat stealthily stalking its prey. But on the other hand, I can also be impatient, easily distracted, and sometimes even a little restless, akin to a cat suddenly pouncing on a moving object. Other quirky habit I have is my preference for writing on paper with a pen rather than typing. It's like a cat's preference for certain textures or surfaces to scratch or play on. This tactile experience of putting pen to paper seems to enhance my creativity and connection with the words I'm writing, much like how a cat engages with its surroundings in a sensory way. So, my writing process is a blend of discipline and chaos, much like the fascinating nature of our feline friends.

How do you come up with ideas for stories and characters?

I find that my ideas can come from almost anywhere, and it's quite an intriguing process. Sometimes, my inspiration strikes when I least expect it, drawing from a wide array of sources such as paintings, songs, or even random images I stumble upon. It's as if the spark of creativity doesn't adhere to any set rules or patterns. For instance, I might be enjoying a slice of cake in a cafe, and suddenly, a brilliant idea pops into my head. It's all about following the train of thought and seeing where it takes you. Unlike solving a mathematical equation, where one plus one always equals two, generating ideas is more like navigating a vast landscape of improbable and limitless possibilities. Ideas, much like an endless buffet, can originate from anywhere and everywhere. They're not bound by any predefined formula; instead, they thrive in the realm of the improbable and the unexpected. This continuous influx of ideas is almost like an infinite resource, always ready to surprise and delight, making the creative process a thrilling and ever-evolving journey.

What do the words “writer’s block” mean to you?

Absolutely, I can relate to that feeling as well. Sometimes, there's this pure sense of numbness that seems to envelop us, and it can be challenging to make sense of things, let alone read or write during such moments. In those times, I've found that the best course of action is to exercise extreme patience. It's during these periods of uncertainty and creative drought that being a writer truly tests one's patience and perseverance. Writer's block, for instance, can feel like a formidable obstacle, but it's also an opportunity to grow and develop as a writer. The ability to endure these phases and push through them is a significant aspect of being a writer. It's about maintaining faith in the creative process, even when it seems elusive, and continuing to write, even if the words don't flow as easily as we'd like. Overcoming these challenges ultimately leads to a deeper understanding of oneself as a writer and a more profound connection to the craft. So, I believe that being a writer is indeed about wielding the power of patience and the determination to navigate through the ebbs and flows of creativity.

What is the most challenging part of your writing process?

You know, it's funny how I have often joked about it, but I've come to deeply believe in this idea: being a writer requires an extraordinary blend of patience and discipline, a combination that sets it apart from many other professions. While some projects in other fields may last for just a few months, in the world of writing, we're often looking at timelines that span two, three, or even more years. It's like embarking on a journey with no fixed destination, and along the way, you become profoundly attached to your work. In this artistic endeavor, I've found that perseverance, patience, and discipline are like the three pillars that hold everything together. Think of it as a daily ritual where you must summon the same temperament, the same energy, every single day, regardless of the external circumstances. It's a bit like tending to a garden; you water it, nurture it, and watch it grow, even when the blooms seem far off on the horizon. The true challenge lies in maintaining that unwavering dedication for an extended period, sometimes even years. It's akin to a marathon, where you're not just racing against others but also against your own doubts and uncertainties. Yet, it's precisely this endurance that fuels the magic of storytelling. It allows us to breathe life into characters, build intricate worlds, and create narratives that resonate with readers. So, I've come to embrace the idea that in the world of writing -patience, discipline, and perseverance aren't just challenging aspects; they're the very essence that sustains our creativity and turns a blank page into a masterpiece, one word at a time.

How long have you been writing, or when did you start?

I began my writing journey during my time at Oxford, where I was pursuing my studies. It was a pivotal moment when I delved into the world of literature and, in particular, when I picked up "The Lord of the Rings" during my stay in the city. I remember being so captivated by the story that my initial thought was, "I need to take this secret path too; I want to create something as enchanting as this." That's when my passion for writing ignited. Inspired by the magic of Tolkien's world, I started crafting poetry, exploring the intricacies of prose, and even delving into the realm of short stories. It was a creative awakening for me, a journey into the realms of imagination and storytelling. What made it even more meaningful was the support and guidance of a mentor I had at the time. Luckily, my mentor not only appreciated but also encouraged my writing endeavors. Their words of encouragement were a driving force, motivating me to continue with my pursuits, refine my craft, and further explore the captivating world of literature. So, Oxford became the place where my writing journey took root and blossomed into a lifelong passion.

What do you need in your writing space to help you stay focused?

My writing desk is a reflection of my creative sanctuary. It's adorned with an array of colorful pens and an abundance of stationery, particularly the ones with intricate and aesthetically pleasing designs. I find that having such visually appealing tools around me sparks my creativity and makes the writing process all the more enjoyable. In addition to the writing essentials, you'll often find a selection of snacks nearby. I must admit; I tend to indulge in snacks a bit more than I probably should while I'm immersed in my writing. It's as if those little treats serve as fuel for my imagination, providing the necessary sustenance to keep the creative juices flowing. Another unique aspect of my writing desk is the presence of a few loose pages, more than one would expect. These are remnants of my old writing, snippets of ideas, and fragments of stories that didn't quite make it into a finished piece. They serve as a reminder of the creative journey I've embarked upon and the evolution of my writing style over time. All in all, my writing desk is a vibrant and slightly chaotic space, filled with the tools and inspirations that fuel my passion for writing. It's where ideas take shape, stories come to life, and where I can truly be myself as a writer.

If you could spend a day with another popular author, whom would you choose?

Selecting just one favorite writer is a tough task for me, as my admiration for literature is quite eclectic. However, if I had to choose, I'd say that I've always been deeply fascinated by the Jazz Age and the Lost Generation. In that context, I would have cherished the opportunity to be a part of the inner circle of either Ernest Hemingway or F. Scott Fitzgerald. What intrigues me about the prospect of joining their literary circle is the prospect of experiencing the best of both worlds. On one hand, you have the allure of the extravagant parties and the roaring twenties, epitomized by Fitzgerald's works. The notion of being a part of those lavish gatherings and witnessing the glittering lifestyle of the era is undeniably tempting. On the other hand, you have Hemingway's world, characterized by gritty, immersive war stories and adventures. His experiences as a war correspondent and his ability to capture the essence of conflict and human resilience in his writing are truly remarkable. So, if I could step into the past and become the "third musketeer" and best friend of either Fitzgerald or Ernest Hemingway, I believe I would have the privilege of enjoying the best of both worlds — the glitz and glamour of the Jazz Age and the depth and adventure of their extraordinary lives. It's a literary dream I'd be thrilled to live.

When was the last time you Googled yourself and what did you find?

I generally shy away from the habit of Googling myself, as I find solace in staying grounded and fully immersed in my work, cherishing the rewards it naturally brings. Writing, you see, is a beautiful craft that thrives on dedication and a deep sense of concentration. Thus, I prefer to remain engrossed in the creative process, free from the distractions that can arise from self-searching. However, there was this amusing incident that occurred back in 2021. I decided to type my name into a search engine out of curiosity, and to my surprise, I stumbled upon a piece of fiction that I had completely forgotten I had submitted. It was featured on a very renowned literary magazine's website. Seeing my work showcased there was an incredible feeling, a mix of pride and astonishment. It was a delightful reminder of the recognition and appreciation that can come from the literary community, even when you least expect it. It served as a motivating moment to keep pushing forward with my writing journey.

Aishwarya Khale

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