Author Interview - Colin Hopkins

What is your writing process like?

I like to focus on the important issues like learning for the younger readers, or bring to life the issues we face today in the modern world bought upon by climatisation or animal conservation as discussed in my latest book called "Spot, the Quoll", a story inspired by the endangered Australian Spotted Tail Quoll, which numbers are tragically reducing as time goes by.

How do you come up with ideas for stories and characters?

I try to see the world thru the eyes of a child, and hope this is represented in my story telling, I do my best to get onto their level, in a hope to keep their minds captivated and interested.

What do the words “writer’s block” mean to you?

Means, I need to put the pen down, walk away, spent time with Family and Friends, focus on the importance of life, the regroup and inspiration will soon come to mind, the more you try the harder it seems.. sometimes it's best to prove to yourself "there are more important things in the world"

How do you process and deal with negative book reviews?

It's easy, I know every person out there has their opinion and are entitled to it, doesn't mean that there's is right or yours is wrong.. that's why they are called opinions. There is an old Indian quote that I love that goes "A Wolf does not concern himself with the opinion of a Sheep"

What is the most challenging part of your writing process?

As I am a Children's Book writer, sometimes I struggle with the challenges of getting the story line to rhyme as every child loves a rhyme

How long have you been writing, or when did you start?

My first Children's Book "The Adventures of Fang the wonder dog " took me 20 years in the making, then when it got published by Europe Books it reinvigorated me, and inspired me to do "Spot, the Quoll" which took me 1 year.

What advice would you give writers working on their first book?

Let your creativity just flow, there is no right or wrong way in art, that's the beauty of it, what one person doesn't like, another might love

How do you develop your plot and characters?

I try and dive into exactly how I would feel, if it were myself, therefore trying to encapsulate the feelings of the characters

How many books have you written, and which is your favorite?

3 - 2 books in the series of "The Adventures of Fang the wonder dog" And "Spot, the Quoll", I have to say, I love my last one about the Spotted Tail Quoll, due to the story of it and shedding light to the younger generation on how these animals are coming so so close to being extinct.

What part of the book did you have the hardest time writing?

It's a very sad story, due to the nature of it, so I had to make the ending to be happy, so "when you buy and read the book" you'll find out..

What inspired the idea for your book?

I was easily inspired, as these lil creatures used to flourish and run wild all up and down the coast of mainland Australia, and now can only be found in Tasmania

What was your hardest scene to write, and why?

The end, as it's loosely based on fact

What do you need in your writing space to help you stay focused?

I just had to make sure I got it right, as I am speaking for a species that is endangered and soon to be extinct

If you could spend a day with another popular author, whom would you choose?

There are too many to chose one

When was the last time you Googled yourself and what did you find?

Funny enough, I do it quite regularly, I see quite a lot of my name associated with my first book thru Europe Books, although that is soon to change with "SPOT, THE QUOLL" By COLIN HOPKINS

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