Author Interview - Azemina Dokaza Klobodanovic

What is your writing process like?

Writing poems for me is enjoying during free moments, relieving my soul, but also connecting with poets around the world...

How do you come up with ideas for stories and characters?

From my life...

What do the words “writer’s block” mean to you?

When you don't have ideas to write something on paper...

How do you process and deal with negative book reviews?

Sometimes I ignore that, but more time it is a sign to write better or change the book cover do something else

What is the most challenging part of your writing process?

When I receive an award writ or recognition at competitions when I realize that my poems or short stories, or my books are still valid...

How long have you been writing, or when did you start?

In 2015, I wrote my first autobiographical book and published it through the online publisher KDP, in digital form, and I swam seriously into the waters of poetry in 2021

What advice would you give writers working on their first book?

You should be strong and persistent enough to persevere in your goals, to never give up, if necessary, out of spite! The title of my first book is just ''Out of Spite'' ...

How do you develop your plot and characters?

I follow other writers and poets in many countries, I read a lot...

How many books have you written, and which is your favorite?

I have written many books, but I would single out these: ''Out of Spite'', Life is a Gift'', ''ESMA'', ''Na Zalasku '' (collection of poems in Bosnian), ''From My Soul'', ''EMOTION GALLERY: Galerija Emocija'' ( my last collection of poems published in English-Bosnian). My favorite is just this last book!

What part of the book did you have the hardest time writing?

The beginning...and when I need to choose the title of the book.

What inspired the idea for your book?

Life mine and my country... EVERYTHING!

What was your hardest scene to write, and why?

When I wrote poems about my mother who is no longer there, and I miss her so much, about my grandson who was born with heart problems and underwent multiple surgeries... I wrote those poems with tears and...many more

What do you need in your writing space to help you stay focused?

Solitude, silence...

If you could spend a day with another popular author, whom would you choose?

There are more... But I would single out our Sidran, Rezak...

When was the last time you Googled yourself and what did you find?

Before two or three months...I found a lot of me, positive of course

Azemina Dokaza Klobodanovic

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