Author Interview - Elaine Broun

What is your writing process like?

I have a vivid imagination and most of the time I already have a story idea in my head, so putting it to paper is just a matter of time.

How do you come up with ideas for stories and characters?

Many times my ideas arrive in my dreams. I have vivid dreams, so much so I have taken to keeping a notebook by the bed so I can jot things down as to not forget them.

What do the words “writer’s block” mean to you?

So far nothing. I know one day I will experience this but thankfully not yet.

How do you process and deal with negative book reviews?

I ignore them. What I cannot fathom is why some people set out to destroy an authors work. This to me is unacceptable. Books are for everyone but certain genres are not for all. So this is a balance.

What is the most challenging part of your writing process?

Sitting down to do it. Once I do I have a difficult time stopping.

How long have you been writing, or when did you start?

I began writing as a child. I have always had a fertile imagination.

What advice would you give writers working on their first book?

Have a solid framework, writing what key points that you want to cover in each chapter leading up to the last. Also, to make sure you keep all the names consistent and the storylines fluid and in order. If your writing style tends to work its way back in forth from the past to the present in this instance it might be a bit more challenging.

How do you develop your plot and characters?

I normally imagine what they look like and then by their description I can imagine they type of education they have, where they came from and what potentially is their persona.

How many books have you written, and which is your favorite?

One so far and the second one "The Nightmare I Loved" is due to be out Fall of 2024.

What part of the book did you have the hardest time writing?

The ending. I wanted it so perfect and the fluidity to be tight. I spent probably a month on it.

What inspired the idea for your book?

Knowing the family.

What was your hardest scene to write, and why?

The ending-so sad. Had so much of life ahead that didn't get lived.

What do you need in your writing space to help you stay focused?

Comfort. I like to sit in a recliner with a lap desk and surprisingly I like the noises of a TV in the background just need no one to talk to me.

If you could spend a day with another popular author, whom would you choose?

J. K. Rowling. Would like to learn how she develops all the varying storylines.

When was the last time you Googled yourself and what did you find?

Once a long time ago.

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