Afterlife: Cool Assassins 3

Book Description

"Afterlife: Cool Assassins 3" is a stand-alone police procedural. Dog Breakfast co-op continues to battle the transnats, seven transnational corporations with a billion wage earners on their affiliated payrolls.
___It is 2076. A brutal rape-murder has been committed in an urban megadome over the Fraser River delta. Nyssa and Shepp volunteer to go after the perp. In LA they rescue two-dozen young women before they're shipped to the Asian sex trade. Lack of funds stop them from pursuing further. They're joined by Jen and Griz. Then all four travel to Tijuana where they outfox funds from a strip club that holds death fights.
___At last, four operatives of Dog Breakfast confront the perp in Quito, Ecuador. A double ambush occurs...
___The back story describes future educational techniques in public classrooms and home schooled. Themes covered include PTSD, martial arts, gender justice, fitness excellence, camaraderie, trustfulness, teenagers from a primitive fisher village adapting to post-modern urbanism, socialism versus capitalism (seeking the best of both ideologies).

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