The Cassandra Event

Books › Action and Adventure



Language - English

Publication Date - Jan 02, 2020

Book Description

"The Cassandra Event" is a military action adventure novel filled with military dark humor and unlikely characters as heroes.  China and Iran have secretly conspired to conquer the United States without firing a shot.  Iran manages to perpetrate the impossible by triggering a volcano to erupt in the Canary Islands.  The eruptions obliterates the island and the resulting tidal wave devastates the eastern seaboard of the U.S.  Meanwhile China has amassed a strike force on the Mexico / Texas border.  Cassandra, a modern day psychic and rock star has warned of the disastrous event, but like her historical namesake nobody believes her.  Cassandra's sister, Sandra Adelina Silvana Capelli, is a Lt. Commander who flies a top secret reconnaissance aircraft.  With the help from several unlikely civilian 'characters' working for a Naval Aircraft Overhaul facility, the tables are turned on the attempted invasion. 

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