Broken Boys Beyond Friendships (EBook &Paperback)

Books › New Adult Romance



Dak Kopec

Dak Kopec is a two-time Prize-winning author who has lectured worldwide on social equity, sexism, and political oppression. In addition to authoring several books, Dak is a Professor at the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV...

Language - English

Publication Date - Aug 08, 2022

Book Description

In this coming-of-age story, Blake Roberts recalls his late teens through his early 20s to Jillian Vandermark, a budding journalist who wants to write his story. Through daily interviews and storytelling, Blake reveals how hope, fear, jealousy, and ambition tore his and his friends’ lives to pieces. Jillian discovers who in Blake’s life turned to drugs, who entered the world of porn, who became one of Hollywood’s hottest teen idols, and who lived and died. In the end, Jillian learns that it was Blake’s unknown soul mate who would help pull the pieces of his life back together.

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