Interview - Rahul Limaye

Why did you decide to start your own business?

I take ownership of accomplishing goals with whom I do get associated. I enjoy and contribute, undertaking diagnostic needs assessments with businesses, including analysing the needs of the business and work with them to put a practical action plan in place, with methodical, aggressive and enthusiastic mindset, in an assertive manner.

What advice would you give someone just starting their own business?

Trust on yourself and believe in your offerings.

How do you deal with fear and doubt?

Confidence, Persistence, Acceptance, Learning.

What routines do you follow each day?

1. Two(2) hours for Yoga and Gym. 2. Eight(8) to Ten(10) working hours for profession. 3. Two(2) to Three(3) hours with family. 4. Eight(8) hours sleep.

Where do you see your business in five years? Ten?

Being recognised as a leading "Business, Management and Technology Consultant" globally.

How does your business look different now vs. when you first started?

Services, customer needs and mindsets have changed drastically.

How do you set your business apart from others in your industry?

Continuous learning helps me to be on the edge in my consulting profession.

How did you market your business when it was brand new?

Select prospects connects with clarity in what consulting services I was going to offer and why.

What is the hardest part of being an entrepreneur?

You just have to believe in yourself.

What is your favorite part of being an entrepreneur?

Contributing my clients in different aspects of business and technology to succeed, by freedom of driving the consulting.

What qualities do you think every entrepreneur should possess?

Confidence, Persistence, Open, Clarity in communications and Attitude.

How have you grown personally from becoming an entrepreneur?

Freedom in work and decision making authority by owning the responsibility of it, I enjoyed while in my employment tenure. But during my schooling and college I used to run small business of trading goods and that helped me to turn as an entrepreneur.

What do you look for when outsourcing or hiring?

Quality, Clarity, Knowledge and Understanding of the subject/work.

What will you never compromise on with your business?

Quality and Ethics.

How did you raise funding or financially prepare for your business?

I am self funded or bootstrap. There are different ways to raise funding and it all depends upon how much funding, for what you need it and from whom you need it.

Do you have any advice about setting up a business in terms of legal/accounting?

All compliances must be fulfilled to start with.

Should I get an LLC before starting a business?

Not necessary, but it depends upon what type of business and offerings you are going to make.

How do you plan financially for your business’s future?

Focus and growth planing clarity.

Have you ever taken out a business loan? Would you recommend it?

Yes, I did and I recommend too

Who is your biggest role model?

Mr. Ratan Tata

How do you define success?

When your clients feel happy and acknowledges it - that's success in profession or business.

What makes a good leader?

Positive Attitude and continual Learning.

At what point did you look at your business and consider it a success?

I have yet to mark it as a Success, as once I mark it as a Success - growth will stop. Milestones needs to be successful.

What would you change about your business journey if you could go back?


Rahul Limaye

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