In the dark corners of a virtual gaming world, two friends, Naomi and Parker, embark on a chilling adventure they never saw coming. In "Voices of the Game: An Online Haunting," they find themselves transported to a sinister realm where haunted trees whisper secrets and ancient graves hold unimaginable power.
As they confront the echoes of their past, they must reckon with the consequences of their hurtful words in the online realm. With each step along the eerie dirt road, they unravel the true nature of their virtual battles and discover the importance of empathy, friendship, and the haunting power of kindness.
Will they escape the clutches of their own shadows, or will the darkness consume them? Dive into this spine-tingling tale that explores the depths of the unknown and the transformative journey of the human spirit. Are you ready for the quest?
The end of the book includes Lessons Learned, Key Vocabulary Words and an Author’s Note.