EMRE Publishing, LLC


We are the exclusive and private publisher of award-winning author James Musgrave, an instructor at Caltech, San Diego State University, and various community colleges for over twenty-five years.

His online curricula and software programs have won California State grants and awards, and he's appeared at many Modern Language Association venues around the world.

We provide readers with an entirely new type of reading and publishing experience. Not only do you get to read the varied genres and titles of Professor Musgrave's genius, but you can also learn how to create and write multimedia formatted (ePub3) titles of your own, for fiction and non-fiction (educational) purposes. EMRE Publishing's trademark suite of publishing software, the Embellisher eReader and ePub3 Creator Studio(TM) is free to try, and can be installed on your private server or you can use our server.

Finally, Professor Musgrave is also writing a textbook for using the newest "brain enhancement program," which is free right now to use on a third-party website, Chat.OpenAI.com. Professor Musgrave's unique style shows you, step-by-step, how to use this software as a enhancement to your already human and unique style, and he suggests that using A.I. to replace the human mind's creative methods of writing insightful and emotionally impactful prose will never be completely successful to replace your creativity, except for very technical purposes, and he explains why. Professor Musgrave is also willing to consult with you about your publishing needs as an independent author and give you his input from 30 years as an author and educator, both online, hybrid, and in the classrooms.


James Musgrave

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