Nisso The Untold Story
“ "Nisso The untold Story" is a riveting narrative that delves into the harrowingexperience of Nisso at the hands of the ruthless Sam Levy. Set in Zimbabwe, acountry plagued by greed and despotism, Nisso's life takes a dark turn when hebecomes involved with Julia Levy, Sam's daughter. As their love affair unfolds,Nisso unwittingly becomes an enemy in Sam's eyes, triggering a relentlessonslaught of corruption and brutality that threatens to crush him physically &mentally.Sam Levy, a wealthy and influential businessman, uses his power andconnections to manipulate the systems of law enforcement, justice, andgovernance, turning them against Nisso. Intimidation, harassment, and falseaccusations become daily realities for Nisso, shattering his sense of dignity andfreedom. In a world where power and privilege reign supreme, Nisso findshimself stripped of all hope and thrust into the clutches of a corrupt regime.With every turn of the page, readers are compelled to witness Nisso's resiliencein the face of unspeakable physical and emotional pain. Malaria, solitaryconfinement, and a relentless barrage of torment are meant to break his spirit.