Daniel Kemp

Daniel Kemp is a seventy-four-year-old member of The Society of Authors. His introduction to the world of espionage and mystery happened at an early age when his father was employed by the War Office in Whitehall, London, at the end of WWII. However, it wasn’t until after his father died that he showed any inte...


Books › Mystery Thriller Suspense

The Desolate Garden

After Harry Paterson is summoned to London following his father's murder, he finds out that the late Lord Elliot Paterson had discovered hidden information dated all the way back to 1936... and a vast quantity of money erased from the accounts.Mysterious initials and an address in Leningrad - a major port in former Soviet Union - are his only clues.Together with the attractive Judith Meadows, Harry must unravel his father's mysterious death - and figure out the mystery hidden in the files of the Royal Government Bank.

Books › Black Stories & Experiences

Why? A Complicated Love

Why? A Complicated Love-- This Is a story set in a web of despair, sex, unreachable emotion and desperate love. One man's crippling injuries, caused by an unprovoked racist, vicious attack, ruins the lives of everyone around him. This includes Terry Meadows, a nineteen-year-old boy who falls in love the moment his eyes fall upon the main character's daughter Laura. That romantic time is twenty-seven years before the totally unexpected ending to this story. The twisted, interconnecting matrix in which Francis, Laura's father, lives, destroys and distorts his daughter's image of life beyond repair. This story holds a small glimpse of happiness inside the


Books › Crime Fiction

The Story That Had No Beginning

Alicia Collinson poses a surprising question to her dinner guests: “Do you think lying is endemic in society today?” They all have different answers based on their life experiences, but what was the purpose of Alicia’s question? Perhaps it is because she has been lied to.She was separated from her twin brother, Tom when they were eight. Tom graduated into a life of violence and crime, while Alice found a life of fortune and wealth in her partner, Mary, but when Mary unexpectedly passes away, a new person enters Alice's life - someone who seems to know every detail about her.Soon, her past and present lives collide with life-changing consequences.Alicia's story is told through the eyes of her dead brother, Tom, who in death has acquired the gift of language far removed from his previous everyday vivid-life exchanges.


Books › Mystery Thriller Suspense

What Happened in Vienna, Jack?

A robbery in London. The murder of a priest at the end of World War Two. Genocide in Namibia. The discovery of the remains of Hitler's secretary.Something connects all this. Former British spy Jack Price knows the answer, and he's willing to die to keep the secret. The problem? He's not the only one who knows.It’s the lies that are not heard but kept as secrets, that own us all. Deep in the world of espionage and deception, how far is Jack willing to go to fulfil his mission?This is the first book in The Lies and Consequences Series and marks the introduction of Patrick West. At this stage of his life, Patrick is a  young, impressionable Metropolitan Police Temporary-Detective. West is coerced into the secret intelligence community by Jack Price who offers excitement with dangerous adventures. Once his signature is again added to an Official Secret Act document, he becomes the soul-mate of 


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