The Story That Had No Beginning

Books › Crime Fiction



Daniel Kemp

Language - English

Publication Date - May 25, 2018

Book Description

Alicia Collinson poses a surprising question to her dinner guests: “Do you think lying is endemic in society today?” They all have different answers based on their life experiences, but what was the purpose of Alicia’s question? 

Perhaps it is because she has been lied to.
She was separated from her twin brother, Tom when they were eight. Tom graduated into a life of violence and crime, while Alice found a life of fortune and wealth in her partner, Mary, but when Mary unexpectedly passes away, a new person enters Alice's life - someone who seems to know every detail about her.
Soon, her past and present lives collide with life-changing consequences.

Alicia's story is told through the eyes of her dead brother, Tom, who in death has acquired the gift of language far removed from his previous everyday vivid-life exchanges.

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